Diagnosis and maintenance of a wide range of equipment including electric forklifts, pallet jacks, retractable forklifts, pallet jacks with platforms, truck-mounted forklifts, rough terrain forklifts, harbour forklifts, lift platforms, articulated boom lift platforms, telescopic handlers and harbour handlers to name a few. Feature rich software, that allows the tool to be used in the workshop or at the roadside. More than just diagnostics with built in features such as a troubleshooting guide by error code, system technical data and diagrams. Other features include vehicle technical data, vehicle maintenance data, troubleshooting guides by symptoms, releases and procedures and manual diagnosis.
Diagnosis and maintenance of a wide range of equipment including electric forklifts, pallet jacks, retractable forklifts, pallet jacks with platforms, truck-mounted forklifts, rough terrain forklifts, harbour forklifts, lift platforms, articulated boom lift platforms, telescopic handlers and harbour handlers to name a few. Feature rich software, that allows the tool to be used in the workshop or at the roadside. More than just diagnostics with built in features such as a troubleshooting guide by error code, system technical data and diagrams. Other features include vehicle technical data, vehicle maintenance data, troubleshooting guides by symptoms, releases and procedures and manual diagnosis.
Our company can offer you the optimal diagnostic tool for heavy duty vehicles, simply because excellent knowledge of the devices we sell, we know them to the last detail and only we will be able to train You how to work or to consult on the issues during the advise.
Company Number: +21650219663
Address: 69 Ave Taib Mehiri
Postal code: 4000
City: Sousse
Country: Tunis